Destruction III

Explore various techniques when it comes to ground destruction effects
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About This Course

Take your RBD Setups to the next level

Destruction III is perfect for anyone looking to use RBD simulations within a professional scenario.  Technical, artistic, and organizational topics are covered in detail.  By the end of it, you'll have a wide variety of techniques which can be used within a wide range of production scenarios.


This course requires a fair amount of Houdini knowledge, so be sure that you're caught up with the pre-requisites before following this course.


6 Hours 22 Min

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Tyler Bay

Lead Instructor and Owner of CG Forge
Tyler Bay is an experienced 3D artist who founded CG Forge in 2019.  Before establishing CG Forge, he spent many years working as a freelancer in film, online education, advertisement, biomedical animation, virtual reality, graphic design, and product visualization industries.  Tyler aims to keep courses simple, thorough, and straight-to-the-point - which has become the heart and soul of what CG Forge is all about.  That goes a long way towards ensuring that the skills you learn are applicable towards meeting production challenges while offering you the best courses and resources to reach your goals.