Remesh to Grid

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Remesh to Grid

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The Remesh to Grid is useful for re-meshing an object in a way that is able to close small holes, remove interior geometry, straighten edges, or combine multiple components into one generalized Mesh
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    In practice, the remesh to grid is great for RBD workflows because it's good at troubleshooting problematic meshes that can be used for collisions.  It also allows you to get that "shrink wrapped" effect.  Under the hood, a volume is being generated by the mesh and then re-converted back again into polygons.  

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General Parameters:


--  This group is expecting primitive groups which select for faces.  For more on groups, be sure to check out the Group SOP.

Surface Type:

--  Use closed volume if the polygon mesh doesn't contain holes.  This will basically take a normal polygons to volume to polygons conversion.  Thin Plate is more unique because it allows for holes.  This treats the existing surface as a flat sheet and builds a new, closed surface by offsetting a configurable distance around the sheet.  In other words, it creates an SDF volume, measures away from the surface, and then meshes it based off a band value that exists away from the surface.  For more on VDBs, check out the VDB Node.  Use Thin Plate to deal with input geometry with unshared edges, or to “puff out” an open surface into a 3D shape.


--  When Surface type is Thin plate, this is the offset distance (in Houdini units) of the new surface from the existing surface.

Division Size:

--  This relates to the quality of the vdb and polygon conversions.


--  According to the docs, "Moves the voxel grid relative to the model. This has the effect of moving the polygon divisions across the model. This might be useful to make sure the output grid captures some fine detail."  In practice, I don't think you'll need to adjust this for the vast majority of situations.


--  This will reduce polygons along the converted mesh.  I, however, would recommend using The Poly Reduce Node instead for this operation.

Transfer Surface Attributes:

--  This uses a Ray Sop to project attributes back onto the resulting mesh according to the closest distance away from the original mesh.

Sharpen Features:

--  This is useful for sharpening edges based on the Edge Tolerance.  
Edge Tolerance:

--  Lower values give softer outputs.  Higher values preserve more sharpness.  Use your eyes to get what you want.

Project to Original:

--  When this is on, the node moves the points of the generated mesh along their normals so they lie on the original surface by using the ray sop.

Post Smooth Iterations:

--  When Project to original is on, it can generate overlapping polygons. Turn this up to try to relax overlapping polygons.


--  This expand or contracts the volume conversion.

Smoothing Iterations:

--  This will smooth the VDB volume using a VDB Smooth node.

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