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If you recently registered at CG Forge, then you can get a one-time discount for 20% off any subscription plan. This offer is only for new users, and will expire next Wednesday!
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Courses | Resources | Quick Tips | Consultations | Career Guidance
- Gain Full Access to all CG Forge Content - Including all courses, the Node Bible, and The Weekly Wrangle
- Gain the most flexibility
- Perfect for casual users who would rather not commit to 4 or 12 months at a time
- Gain the most flexibility
- Perfect for casual users who would rather not commit to 4 or 12 months at a time
Full Access to all CG Forge content - Including all courses, the Node Bible, and The Weekly Wrangle.
Monthly users do not gain free sessions with CG Forge Academy
Cancel your subscription at any time.
- Renew Your Subscription Every 4 Months
- Perfect for those who want the full CG Forge experience at an affordable price
- Includes a free 45 minute session with CG Forge Academy every 4 months
- Perfect for those who want the full CG Forge experience at an affordable price
- Includes a free 45 minute session with CG Forge Academy every 4 months
Full Access to all CG Forge content - Including all courses, the Node Bible, and The Weekly Wrangle.
Every 4 months, you will receive a 45 minute session with CG Forge Academy. This allows you to book online meetings with your instructor - Tyler Bay - to discuss course questions, projects, demo reel reviews, career goals, and much more.
Offers 4 months of access. Compared to the normal monthly option + 45 minute Academy session, you'll save $158.97
- Renew Your Subscription Each Year
- Includes four 45 minute sessions with CG Forge Academy each year.
- Perfect for serious users who want the full CG Forge experience with excellent savings.
- Perfect for serious users who want the full CG Forge experience with excellent savings.
Full Access to all CG Forge content - Including all courses, the Node Bible, and The Weekly Wrangle.
Every 12 months, you will receive four 45 minute sessions with CG Forge Academy. This allows you to book online meetings with your instructor - Tyler Bay - to discuss course questions, projects, demo reel reviews, career goals, and much more.
Offers 12 months of access. Compared to the Monthly option + four 45 minute Academy sessions, you'll save $603.89
Why CG Forge?
It's all About Quality
When trying to learn Houdini, there are many free videos out there, but it's difficult to know which ones are worth watching. Some videos are too easy, some are too hard, and some are low quality. You don't need to worry about that at CG Forge because each course is designed to be thorough, simplified, and straight-to-the-point while offering you a learning path that builds up over time.
CG Forge is Affordable
With a catalog of over 80+ hours of refined content, career advice, resources, quick tips, and individual support, there is no better deal in the market for what you get. Everybody should have the access to high-quality education at an affordable price, and CG Forge provides that opportunity without sacrificing quality.
CG Forge Academy Focuses on You - not the group
Learning Houdini can be difficult, and it's not always ideal to learn about it within a group setting. After all, nobody else has the same exact problems, aspirations, and projects as you do. Workshops, college classes, and patreon subscriptions don't focus on your exact needs quite as well as individual consultations do because they primarily focus on the group. With CG Forge Academy, you'll get better attention - when you need it - at an affordable price. That ultimately equals a better learning experience and helps you achieve your goals more quickly.
The Node Bible
Have you ever read the SideFX documentation and became confused? If so, then you're not alone. The user documentation is sometimes poorly written, and CG Forge has simplified this. The Node Bible contains over 70 videos that describe various nodes and the functionality of each parameter in a way that's easier to understand. In addition to that, you'll also find links to Node Bible pop up on the screen as you watch courses. This ultimately makes it much easier to study Houdini, and it's a one-of-a-kind resource that you'll only find at CG Forge.
What is CG Forge Academy?
CG Forge Academy is a service that allows you book online meetings with Tyler Bay to help you achieve your Houdini goals.
Frequently Asked Questions
How would I change or cancel my subscription?
Canceling or changing your subscription is super-easy. All you have to do is go to your account settings and select "Visit Account" on the homepage. Or you can go to the top menu under "Me" and select "Account"
Next, go to "Cancel Subscription"
That's it! You'll still retain access for the remainder of what you've already paid for. When the next billing cycle occurs, you will not be automatically charged.
If you'd like to change your plan, you can do so by using the "change subscription" field below the cancel subscription button.
If you'd like to change your plan, you can do so by using the "change subscription" field below the cancel subscription button.
Does CG Forge offer refunds?
No refunds are offered at this time. The reason for this is because it prevents a situation where people ask for refunds once they're done watching the videos.
What happens if CG Forge changes the price of the subscription plans in the future?
If you're already subscribed, then nothing will change. The price you subscribed to is the price you will pay as long as you stay subscribed.
However, if you decide to unsubscribe and re-subscribe later, then the price will reflect whatever is available at the time of subscribing.
However, if you decide to unsubscribe and re-subscribe later, then the price will reflect whatever is available at the time of subscribing.
How does studio licensing work?
If two users try logging into one account, then it will boot the original user off. This means that only one session per-account can be active at a time.
For studios, the best way to set things up is by creating an e-mail address for each account (example: and setting the password to whatever you'd like. Then, you can select whichever subscription plan that you're interested in. Credit card information is securely stored via Stripe is not stored on or visible to the artist. You can also download invoices from the account page. Plus, if you have any questions or concerns, you can always e-mail for any help you need.
For studios, the best way to set things up is by creating an e-mail address for each account (example: and setting the password to whatever you'd like. Then, you can select whichever subscription plan that you're interested in. Credit card information is securely stored via Stripe is not stored on or visible to the artist. You can also download invoices from the account page. Plus, if you have any questions or concerns, you can always e-mail for any help you need.
Does CG Forge offer discounts to studios?
Nope, the discounts offered to studios are the same to what I offer all students.
How does CG Forge store my credit card information?
All transactions are processed through Stripe - a major online payment platform. Many other companies use Stripe as well such as Amazon, Target, Google, Lyft, Zoom, and much more. For additional information, feel free to visit Stripe at
How often is content posted on CG Forge?
Quality is at the heart of CG Forge courses. This means that some courses may take longer than others. Generally speaking, courses will usually take anywhere between 30 days and 3 months to create - depending on the topic. Content is posted as it is created, and often times, you can watch a course as it's being made. If you have any specific requests on what you'd like to see in the CG Forge catalog though, feel free to send Tyler a message - and your preference will be taken into account when the next course is being made.